Sunday, October 18, 2020

To My Children: Letter 1, Jesus Christ, The Center of Heavenly Father's Plan

 Dear Children,

Jesus is the Christ. He is the Living Son of the Living God. He created all things from the beginning.

Jesus is the Son of our Heavenly Father. We lived with them in heaven before we were born on earth. 

Heavenly Father wanted us to become like Him. He has a body of flesh and bones like we do. (Doctrine and Covenants of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 130:22). And, He has knowledge. But in that state with Him, we did not yet have physical bodies! Our spirit bodies gave us the opportunity to choose. Our mortal bodies would give us an even greater opportunity to choose. By obtaining a mortal body, we could become like our Father and Mother in HeavenWe would choose what we would become!

In the Father's plan, all of His children were to come to earth. A veil of forgetfulness gives us the full opportunity to exercise our agency--our freedom to choose. We come to this earth not knowing anything! This was the state of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They were the first two people whom God placed on the earth. They are our first parents and the ancestors of the entire human race!

One of Heavenly Father's sons opposed the plan. He did not believe in Jesus Christ, the central figure in God's plan. Jesus would come to redeem the world from sin (willful violation of God's law) and death (the natural consequence of choosing to become mortal). Adam and Eve willingly chose mortality. This they did so that all of us could also receive bodies and come to earth.

Satan, or Lucifer, fought against God's plan! There was a war in heaven. It was a war of words. Lucifer and his followers fought for their plan--that all would come to earth and all would be saved. We would have no choices! We fought for freedom because we knew that only through choices would we find knowledge and become more like our Heavenly Parents. When all had made their choice and chosen whom he or she would follow, Lucifer and his followers were cast down to the earth. You and I fought valiantly. We overcame Lucifer, the dragon, by the word of our testimonies of Jesus Christ! 

To help us decide what we want and whom we want to follow, Heavenly Father allows Satan and his followers to tempt us on earth. We do not see them, typically, but they are here, striving to lead us astray! Every person who is capable of knowing right and wrong is sometimes if not often tempted by Satan and his followers. 

Friday, October 16, 2020

How is it that we have The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ?

How is it that we have The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ

1. God commanded a prophet named Nephi to make a record.

2. Nephi obeyed! He obeyed God's voice!

3. Other subsequent prophets obeyed God's voice! They learned to hear Him and obey! These prophets obediently kept and compiled their records (Mormon is one of these ancient prophets; he testified of Jesus!).

4. Joseph Smith obediently did what God asked! God showed Joseph where the ancient record was. In time, God entrusted that record to Joseph who then learned to translate, depending on God's power alone!

5. Joseph's friend, Martin Harris sacrificed his money and means. Oliver Cowdery and many other friends willingly sacrificed to help Joseph have the means to translate and do God's work.

6. Voila! The Book of Mormon was published in 1830! This book testifies of Jesus Christ.